Procurement is an area that takes huge amount of tax payers' money but high-profile cases
continuously hit the news headlines, raising a range of procurement-related governance
concerns from the general public. This dissertation aimed at examining the determinants of
implementation of Procurement code of ethics in public procurement. Specifically, the
dissertation aimed to; determine the role of leadership in the implementation of procurement
code of ethics in public institution, establish the effects of staff competence in implementation
of procurement code of ethics, establish the influence of organizational structure on
successful implementation of procurement code of ethics in public procurement and assess
the influence of record management on implementation of procurement code of ethics in
public procurement. The study involved 168 respondents. Data were collected through
questionnaire and interview while descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression models
were used in analyzing data. Findings reveal that 65.5% of the respondents strongly agreed
that there is a significant relationship between staff competence and the procurement code of
ethics implementation in public procurement. Secondly, the findings showed that
organizational structure has a great influence on the implementation of procurement code of
ethics in public procurement. It was established that there is positive and significant
relationship between role of leadership and implementation of procurement code of ethics in
public procurement. The study revealed that, record management (p< 0.05) has a contribution
towards the procurement code of ethics implementation in public procurement. The study
concluded that ethical procurement practices have a high significance towards procurement
performance. It is further recommended that all government entities should be encouraged to
adopt procurement ethical practices. Lastly further the study recommends to the future
research need to be done on assessing implementation of procurement code of ethics to other
types of organizations, so as find out how other organization are impacted by the procurement
code of ethics.