Purpose – Despite the remarkable growth and impor tance of mobile money technology, there are reported
concerns about transaction failures. This research study
evaluates customer perception of and response to trans action failures and recovery in an emerging market con text. Specifi cally, the study proposes a model to analyze
the direct eff ect of causal attribution of mobile money
transaction failure, employing dimensions of control lability and stability on recovery satisfaction as well as
indirect eff ects through negative emotions.
Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected
through an online survey using a structured question naire on 344 mobile money subscribers who experi enced transaction failures in the past six months.
Svrha – Unatoč izuzetnom rastu i važnosti tehnologije
mobilnog novca, javlja se zabrinutost zbog neuspjelih
transakcija. Ova istraživačka studija ocjenjuje percepci je korisnika o neuspjelim transakcijama, odgovorima na
njih kao i oporavku u kontekstu tržišta u razvoju. Točnije,
predlaže se model za analizu izravnog učinka kauzalnog
atribuiranja neuspjeha transakcija mobilnog novca ko rištenjem dimenzija upravljivosti i stabilnosti zadovolj stva oporavkom kao i neizravnih učinaka negativnih
Metodološki pristup – Podaci su prikupljeni putem on line, strukturiranog anketnog upitnika od 344 korisnika
(pretplatnika) usluge mobilnog novca koji su u posljed njih šest mjeseci doživjeli neuspjehe u transakcijama.
Vol. 32, No. 2, 2020, pp. 169-185
UDK 159.942.5:658.8:004.7:654.03
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.22598/mt/2020.32.2.169
Preliminary communication
Findings and implications – The hypotheses of this
research study were tested using Partial Least Squares
Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in SmartPLS
3 software. The study found that both the causal attri bution dimensions of controllability and stability sig nifi cantly infl uenced negative emotions and recovery
satisfaction. Besides, negative emotions signifi cantly
infl uenced recovery satisfaction. The results also re vealed that negative emotions mediate the relationship
between causal attribution and recovery satisfaction.
Therefore, service providers are advised to reduce pre ventable and stable transaction failures.
Limitation – Since there was no database of mobile
money subscribers who experienced transaction fail ures, a public online survey with screening questions
was employed. Respondents fi lled in the questionnaire
based on voluntary response, so care should be em ployed when generalizing.
Originality – This is one of the few studies on service
failure in an emerging market. It is the fi rst time that at tribution theory has been applied as the main theory to
explain the perception of and response to transaction
failures in a mobile money setting.