The Communication Strategy (CS) for the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) project essentially sets out the overall framework on how the SLM project communicates and engages with its audiences over the project implementation period. The CS in this manner specifies target audiences for specific messages, documents a detailed implementation plan and identifies entities that deliver parts of the strategy. A total of 65 respondents were interviewed (41 farmer group members from the SLM project catchment areas and 25 SLM project key stakeholders). Focus group discussion (FGD) was employed to interview farmer groups. A checklist was used to guide face to face interviews and the FGDs. The CS in place is set out to be implemented in three phases: first focuses on raising and increasing awareness among key target groups, the second phase aims to link the level of public awareness to the problems related to soil/land degradation and of the opportunities generated by SLM project and the third phase, focus on raising the profile of the SLM project groups, establishing them as an indispensable governance tool in addressing environmental, social and economic challenges and generating benefits. Four entities selected to implement the CS include IPP Media Ltd, Mwananchi Community Ltd, Moshi FM Radio and Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation. The selection of these entities was based on their track record to undertake SLM related activities.