This paper uses socio feminist and dynamic capability theory to explain attributes of women who
own growing enterprises in Moshi municipality. Multiple case study design was used to produce
detailed descriptions of the attributes of growth oriented women entrepreneurs. A total of10
women (case) were purposely sampled. Data were collected using questionnaires, and key
informant interview. A qualitative analysis approach was used to investigate the attributes of
growth oriented women entrepreneurs. The study concludes that socio feminist and dynamic
capability theory can explain the attribute of growth oriented women entrepreneurs. Further,
results suggest that gr0Wth-oriented women entrepreneurs brand themselves into business
through networking behaviour, integration, flexibility and adaptive, benchmarking and desire for
growth. In this View, it can be concluded that the growth orientation of women entrepreneurs in
Moshi Municipality is positively influenced by their personal characteristics; their motivations;
firm attributes; management practices; and a strong female identity in the venture. It is
recommended that for women entrepreneurs to grow and sustain their business they need to share
and invest personal responsibilities in themselves to build their own brand so as to reach their
career aspiration and bridge the gaps which limit other women success in the business.