From 2009 TEC undertook a series of its 24 member country case studies to evaluate the
innovations arid impacts on agricultural trade and food security in Tanzania. The objectives of
these studies were to assess extent to which the Members commitments in Innovations had led to
changes in domestic agricultural, to evaluate the impact on trade flows (imports and exports), to
evaluate market value of the products and level of doing business (agribusiness). Tanga Diaries
Cooperative Union (TDCU) being a member of i, going to be taken by this presentation as a case
study to innovation and fighting for food insecurity in Tanzania and Africa.
An important finding was that TDCU in the sample, the implementation of the innovations and
commitments of TDCU implied major change to local animal husbandry management, including
trade and investment. The main reason was that most of the members at TDCU (primary
cooperative societies and individual members had responded positively, aggressively and
effectively in the programs invented by TDCU during its innovations,
Unilateral reforms including the forming youth groups and establishment of youth projects such
as Pingoni Youth Project (PYP) liberalized local milk trade and build trust of the youths, often as
part of the conditionality of securing loans from financial institutions. Some of these were bound
as part of their multilateral commitments in advancing modern diary keeping. It became clear that
in order to make a realistic assessment of the impact of the innovations and trade reforms on food security, it was necessary to extend the analysis over a period that included the participation of
TDCU in trade shows, its visibility and the visibility of its substantial products.