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Implications of Co-perative Joint Entrepreneurs on Members’ Wellbeing in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

Show simple item record Said, Said N 2024-01-05T07:17:25Z 2024-01-05T07:17:25Z 2019
dc.description.abstract The study was conducted to assess the contribution of co-operative joint enterprises in enhancing member's wellbeing in Kilimanjaro Region. Specifically, the study examined the factors that influenced members to establish co-operative joint enterprises; examined services provided by co-operative joint enterprises to improve members' wellbeing; and determined social and economic benefits of the co-operative joint enterprises to the members in primary societies. A case study research design was adopted in this study, a stratified sampling technique and systematic sampling technique were used to collect data from 296 respondents in 22 primary co-operative societies. Data were collected using survey method, key informants' interview, and documentary review. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, whereby a multiple response analysis was used to analyse objective one and two. Inferential statistics (paired sample t-test) was applied to establish the mean difference of social and economic status of members before and aner formation/joining cooperative joint enterprises in objective three and four. The study revealed that promotion of economies of scale, access to farm inputs, collective bargaining power, marketing, milk collection, processing, storage, transportation, extension services, enhancing social protection, need to improve access to social services and to protect farmers' interest in dairy sector were the factors influencing members to form cooperative joint enterprises. The findings also revealed that extension services, marketing, transport, storage, inputs access, packaging, milk processing, collection, and quality control were the services provided by cooperative joint enterprises. Furthermore, the study revealed the improvement of economic and social status of members after joining co-operative joint enterprise with a p-value less than 0.05. The study concluded that members considered several factors when they decided to establish/join the joint enterprises. The wide range of services provided by cooperative joint enterprises helps members to increase their income hence improves their wellbeing. Furthermore, the study concluded that, as a result of services accrued from co-operative joint enterprise, there is an improvement of social and economic status towards members' wellbeing. Thus, it is recommended that primary cooperative societies should form or join with private entities to establish co-operative joint ventures to increase their scale to enhance members' wellbeing en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Moshi Co-operative University en_US
dc.subject Co-perative en_US
dc.subject Entrepreneurs en_US
dc.subject Members’ en_US
dc.subject Wellbeing en_US
dc.subject Kilimanjaro en_US
dc.title Implications of Co-perative Joint Entrepreneurs on Members’ Wellbeing in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania en_US

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